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Until now British expats were allowed to pay contributions (8% of their income) in order to get treatment through the French health-care system via the Couverture Medicale Universelle(CMU) but most of them previously covered by the NHS took up French residence before retirement age and benefited from France's healthcare system without even paying for it. This of course is unfair as France should not have to foot the bill of early retirees just because they were benevolent enough to do so in the past.There is a similar situation for these early retired expats on low incomes who won't be able to claim free health insurance via the CMU anymore or for those who have reached UK retirement age but do not qualify for a UK pension. french mart
Tuesday, 17 September 2019 00:01
there is always another better way
Sunday, 27 May 2018 21:05
there is always another better way

Gejala Tumor Lambung
Pengobatan Jantung Bocor
Obat Gatal Di Selangkangan
Pengobatan Alami Dermatitis Kontak
Makanan Untuk Penderita Gagal Ginjal
Pengobatan Eye Floaters
Pengobatan Asma
Pengobatan Kanker Kulit Melanoma
Sunday, 27 May 2018 21:04